/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 'Hot', 'cold' and 'warm' supports: towards theorising where refugee students go for assistance at university /manager/Repository/uon:34960 British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19 (3): 377-400), and the addition of 'warm' knowledge offered by Slack et al. (2014. "'Hot', 'Cold' and 'Warm' Information and Higher Education Decision Making." British Journal of Sociology of Education 35 (2): 204-223), to develop an understanding of how students from refugee backgrounds make choices about how they locate, select and access support for their studies. The findings of this paper suggest that students from refugee backgrounds do not view the 'cold' (unfamiliar-formal) institutional support on offer as 'for them'; instead they expressed a preference for the 'warm' (familiar-formal) support offered via 'trusted' people who act as literacy/sociocultural brokers or 'hot' (familiar-informal) support of their grapevine of other students (past and present) or experienced community members.]]> Mon 27 May 2019 14:31:49 AEST ]]> Reimagining support models for students from refugee backgrounds: Understandings, spaces and empowerment /manager/Repository/uon:44194 Mon 10 Oct 2022 14:25:35 AEDT ]]>